What's new in ShowDialog XCMD version 1.6 (continued): 5. If your buttons of a ShowDialog type 5 dialog are of the "hot spot" type, they will "invert" to hilite the area of the PICT that lies over them. (See the "All PICT" dialog on the Special Dialogs card for more information on this.) 6. The scrolling list of ShowDialog type 7 can now be configured so that only one item can ever be selected, or that multiple items can be selected (by shift-clicking to make discontinuous selections or shift-click-dragging to make continuous selections). This necessitated the addition of another parameter to the parameter list. 7. ShowDialog type 7 can now have as many regular buttons as you wish. Its result is now RETURN-delimited. Line 1 of the result contains the DITL item# of the button clicked. Line 2 of the result is a comma-delimited list of the lines from the scrolling list that were hilited. This allows you to act on the lines of the list in a variety of ways (depending on which button was clicked). 8. After a dialog box is dismissed, ShowDialog now forces HyperCard to refresh its window. Therefore, you no longer have to issue "go to this card" messages when displaying several dialogs within a handler to fill in the white space left by a dialog. 9. The ShowDialog demo stack now contains explicit step-by-step instructions for creating dialogs with ResEdit (as a courtesy to those unfamiliar with the operation of ResEdit).